Why do you need a massage? Massage is the manipulation of soft tissue to encourage healing in the body.  Some of the benefits of massage include:

•    Improve circulation
•    Reduce Post surgery adhesions and swelling
•    Reduce spasms and cramping
•    Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles
•    Release endorphins
•    Aid headache/ migraine pain

•    Alleviate pain and improve range of motion
•    Ease pain medication dependence
•    Enhance Immunity by stimulating lymph flow
•    Exercise and stretch weak, tight, or withered muscles
•    Help athletes of any level prepare for and recover from strenuous workouts
•    Increase joint flexibility

Remedial Massage

Remedial Massage is used to treat many conditions affecting the muscles, tendons and ligaments. It aids in relieving tense and stiff muscles as well as joint mobilisation. Your therapist will perform tests to identify the cause of your pain and treat using a variety of therapeutic techniques including deep tissue work. Remedial Massage increases the flow of blood and lymph especially to injured areas promoting healing.

Remedial Massage is effective for injury prevention and treating pain associated with chronic conditions. Overall, Remedial Massage helps with rehabilitation of a specific issue in the body with the outcome of increased range of movement and decreased pain and tension.


Myotherapy is used to aid in the rehabilitation of a broad range of musculoskeletal conditions including muscle, tendon, nerve and ligament issues.

Rachel uses remedial massage as one of her ‘tools’, along side exercise prescription, dry needling, mobilisations and in-depth assessment to identify underlying cause’s of an injury.

Dry Needling

A fine filament needle in inserted into the centre of a myofascial trigger point which causes the contracted muscle fibres to relax. Dry Needling Therapy focuses on the reduction of pain, inactivating trigger points and restoring function and range of motion.

Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage Massage uses specific techniques and sequences to speed up the flow of lymphatic fluid through the body. This type of therapy is used for treatment of lymphoma, pre and post surgery to increase healing time and manage scar tissue, sinusitis/hay fever, reduce excessive fluid or Oedema during pregnancy and after surgery where lymph nodes have been removed. Lymphatic drainage can also be used as an assistance treatment during detoxing and can boost the immune system. If your unsure this treatment is for you send us an email and one of our qualified therapists will get back to.

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage is safe and very beneficial to mothers during pregnancy. This type of massage reduces stress hormones in the body and allows for the muscles to loosen and relax. It increases blood flow and keeps the lymphatic system working efficiently which is very important during pregnancy to flush out any toxins. Pregnancy Massage can relieve headaches, check/back/joint pain as well as reduce swelling in the hands and feet.

Here at Momentum Health, you have the option to use one of our pregnancy pillows which allows you to lay face down on the table and remain comfortable.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy is the process of suctioning cups onto different parts of the body to increase blood circulation to that area. Cupping can aid in loosening the muscle and fascia, relieving tension and promoting healing. Cupping can help alleviate back and neck pain, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism and aid in Lymphatic Drainage.

Sports Therapy

A Sports Massage focuses on stretching tight muscles and reducing the build up of tension in the soft tissue during exercise. It can aid in increasing flexibility, reducing the chance of an injury and aid in the healing time of an injury.

If you are wanting to book in for a Sports Massage specifically, book in for a Remedial Massage and mention in the comments ‘Sports Massage’.


Reflexology is a type of massage that applies different amounts of pressure to the hands, feet and head. It is theorised that certain areas on the hand, feet and head correspond specific organs and systems of the body. Therefore, placing pressure on specific points are meant to stimulate relaxation and healing to the equivalent organs and systems.

Hot Stone

A Hot Stone Massage utilises the weight and heat of the smooth stones to massage the body. This massage is very comforting and provides the same benefits as a relaxation massage. The warmth of the hot stones improves circulation and allows the nervous system to calm down leaving you feeling pampered and rejuvenated.


Relaxation Massage consists of long, flowing strokes and kneading at a pressure you desire. Benefits include reducing stress levels, muscle tension and improving sleep. Regular treatment can help boost the immune system sue to increased blood flow around the body as well as digestion and lymphatic drainage.